Service Level Agreement (SLA)
SLA is to guarantee our clients, who signed up, for their web support resource is in place and in time when needed and at a much discounted rate than regular ad-hoc service charge.
DCS has been well-known for great customer support to all customers. As our customers grow, we’d like to keep the good reputation at the cost that we could afford. With the Service level agreement, customers will received our service with guaranteed condition.
Please take advantage of this support request form. It will help in reducing both the turnaround time and cost when applied.
Who need it,
When you have staff changes, or you don’t have time to figure out how to update the contents or use the existing features.
When your website is critical in running your business and communicate with your customers.
When you have an online application/service, you have the liability to keep the system run at normal condition
Why need a SLA and the advantage of SLA
SLA is to guarantee clients, who signed up, their web support resource is in place and in time when needed and at a much discounted rate than regular ad-hoc service charge.
Day by day, Website hackers are on the lookout for XSS, SQL Injection & other vulnerabilities in your website for easy targets such as:
web applications:
Shopping carts,
forms, or any user posted contents
login pages,
dynamic contents
user uploaded files
Environmental factors, such as browsers/OS/Flash/java keep updating their features. It causes incompatible issues.
User’s online behavior created large amount of server cache, database overhead, error log,… Database needs to be optimized from time to time.
Server software and modules need update, upgrade and run service maintenance every once a while.
How our customers get SLA support and its limitation
Client sign up SLA with DCS, and pay for service fee.
When DCS received SLA customer support request. An assessment email will send to you in the same business day.
Based on client’s SLA level, DCS will prioritize the supporting resource
DCS supporting staffs will resolve the issue occurred and prevent the same problem from happen again
SLA is a preparation for unexpected condition. If the job request is pre-determined, pre-scheduled and foreseeable, the job request is not consider into SLA plan.
Type A: Job Requests without SLAAll requests must go through online support form. Phone request will not be processed We will send assessment email to you. It will list the proposed job(s), service fee, and expected turn around. If you agree, please pay to our Paypal account in advance. We will proceed the job on the next business day after we have received the payment DCS’s Service hourly rate is $60, and $40 for 0.5 hr as the minimum charge when we start a job Type B: Customer support, or Ad-hoc Job Request with DCS SLAThe following SLA is effective from January 2010. And, it is mentioned in all service agreement that DCS signed. SLA-1: Service Request covered by Service Agreementwhen your request can be completed in 1 hour per week, and meet (1) or (2) in below when your total project payment in past 90 days is greater than $10K When your website has been open to public for less than 30 days, and the requested feature is in the specification we promised. Job request will be considered as normal priority SLA-2: $49 per month, ,Minimum 6 month per term.Your request by email/form will be handled with higher priority the job will be less than 15 minutes per week. or The total in a month is less than 1.5 hr per month. Job requests exceed this quota will be charged as $55/$40 rate SLA-3: $99 per month. Minimum 6 month each term.Your request by email/form will be handled with top priority the job will be less than 0.5 hour per week. or The total in a month is less than 3 hr per month. Job requests exceed this quota will be charged as $55/$40 rate |